The Adventure Begins

So you're homeschooling!   You probably never thought you'd ever ever, no never, do that!  After all, you have not got the qualifications, your kids don't think you are qualified, and your husband....well he's just rolling his eyes.
I come to say, Peace, Sister!   You can do it.

So for all the COVID19 homeschool mothers:   My one word of advice is K.I.S.S.  Keep It Simple, Sister.   (My husband just read this and wondered if kissing and Covid should be used in the same sentence!)  The following are foundational steps to take:

1.  Always start a new initiative on a special day, like Monday.  As Maria would say, "Let's start at the very beginning...."   Make a dramatic start to the new thing you're about to introduce to the family.   If you've already started please continue.  Or if you have something new to add then make an announcement at breakfast.

2.  Your classroom is anywhere and everywhere!  The kitchen table for math. The couch for reading.  The sink and countertop for science.  The computer for socials.  The backyard and a magnifying glass for exploration.  I think you get the picture.

3.  Your dayplanner or schedule for Gr. 1-6 includes:
        a.  3 R's (Reading, 'Riting, and 'Rithmetic).  This need not take longer than 1-2 hours.  Total.   No, I'm not kidding.
        b.  Chores  (15 min./day) or one weekday morning (I prefer Fridays).
        c.   Quiet Time  everyday for 15-20 min. -  everyone spends time in their bedroom, on the couch    or wherever  reading (books, audio books, magazines, etc)
        d.   Physical Education every day for 20 - 30 min. -  everyone, including mom, exercises outdoors  or indoors when weather is inclement. This can include, bike riding, running,  jumping rope, gymnastics, trampoline, etc.
        e.    Personal Development -  can include music practise, hobbies, special projects, exploration of the outdoors, training a pet, etc.
         f.   Free Time -  give your children plenty of time to PLAY!   This will grow great bonds between siblings, and most of all it will again release the creativity within your child.

Now you're ready to begin.  What will your learning materials be?   If you have a classroom teacher thats sending worksheets for your children, then feel free to incorporate them into your curriculum.  But the bottom line for your curriculum must be FROM THE HEART!   💗

The time spent homeschooling will not necessarily make your children physicists or medical doctors, but they can be the greatest most memorable adventure your family will ever have. 
