Homeschooling is Educating 'Outside the Box'

As a public school teacher transitioning to homeschooling was quite a challenge.  Contrary to what most people think, being a professional teacher does not prepare you for homeschooling.  It actually becomes a liability.  Let me explain why. 

In the public and private classroom, the teacher has 25-30 students to 'manage'.  There is very little attention given to personal interests, there is minimal  freedom of movement, and there is a scarcity of follow-up on individual students who may be struggling with a new concept.  

As an elementary school teacher I found the education system to be weak academicallyv for the reasons mentioned above, and flawed  in that peer pressure brought a wedge between students and their families.  Independence of the family unit increased until by their teen years students often viewed parents and teachers with disdain.  Moreover, boys, being delayed in their fine motor skills until the age of 9 were forrced to endure 4-5 years of  being quiet, sitting still, and using their hands for fine motor skills like coloring and printing. With 3 sons in my quiver  I felt I had no other choice but to attempt homeschooling.  

Then came the revelation that the three subjects I dedicated our little shomeschool to (reading, writing, and arithmetic)  did not require the normal 5 hours of a school day.  The boys were often finished all three subjects in half an hour.  I tried to extend it to an hour, nervously biting my nails over this travesty of true education, discovering with time that this was the siimiliar experience of many other homeschoolers.  Nevertheless, as soon as my oldest was of the ripe age of Comprehensive Testing I threw him to the wolves of ministry testing.  I was shocked to discover that not only had he managed to complete the hour long tests but he had scored 3-4 grade levels above his age on all subjects.  This pulled me down off the ledge of panic and made me a believer in homeschooling.  Now my 3 sons are in the noble professions of Engineering, Teaching, and Law Enforcement.  

So again, I say to you homeschool parent, you can do it!   Relax and realize that you are the best equipped teacher for your child because you love him more than any teacher, and he or she has your DNA which gives you an inside scoop.  If you are a Christian you also know that God is the best teacher of all and will help you all the way!   
